Reflection on growth mindset toolkit

Maria Muzaffar
1 min readDec 26, 2020

there are certain types of believe attach to the self development and self growth. The five habits will be helpful in building a growth mindset.

-Self talk

Self talk help you to stick to your goal. Change you negative thoughts to positive thoughts like “it’s hard to do” to “i will do this”

-Get out of your comfort zone

Think out of the box and do things which is not familiar to you

-create new habits

Creating new habits mean learning a new thing replace your bad habits to good habits

-ask people help

You are not good in everything ask people to help and try to make chances in your approch.

-Fake it till you make it

If you are not boss feel like a boss.

From above Mine favourite tip is self talk your positive words and motivation wil lead you to be successful

I actually started getting out of complete and getting involve in things which are not unusual for me like taking part in discussion and go and ask people for feedback etc

A growth mindset is a learning mindset. If we start implementing all of these habits in our life it will help us to be a person having growth mindset!

